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Soma (carisoprodol) addiction treatment that actually works

For over 15 years, we’ve helped people with substance use disorders recover using personalized, evidence-based addiction treatment programs that combine cutting-edge medical care with proven behavioral and psychological therapy.

We offer a complete continuum of care, including inpatient, outpatient, and even virtual treatment – as well as ongoing education, counseling, and support to treat the whole person for a lifetime – an approach that has proven far more effective than traditional 12-step programs.

Three column stats: 8% Recovery Rate, 5000 patients treated, and 1:5 Clinical staff to patient ratio.

Call today and get help. Our addiction treatment experts are here for you.


Treatment options for Soma addiction

Carisoprodol (commonly prescribed under the trade name Soma) dependence can be difficult to overcome without the help of a comprehensive treatment program that offers medical, psychological, and behavioral therapy.

Treatment for carisoprodol dependence typically starts with supervised medical detox to remove the substance from the body and alleviate withdrawal symptoms. During the detox process, medical staff with formal training in drug and alcohol addiction treatment closely monitor the patient’s health.

Please note that the medical detox phase is NOT actually considered treatment. Rather, it’s a necessary prerequisite to treatment that allows patients to fully participate in a long-term program consisting of behavioral therapy, psychological counseling, and psychiatric treatment to address their substance use disorder and any co-occurring mental health issues.

Counseling includes both individual- and group-oriented addiction sessions, and we can also include family members when appropriate. Continuing care is an essential component of every treatment plan and is included in all discharge plans, so patients have access to counseling and support for as long as they need it.

A treatment plan for carisoprodol addiction may include:

  • Individual counseling
  • Group therapy
  • Family therapy sessions
  • Pharmacotherapy (medication management)
  • Intensive Outpatient Programs (IOP)
  • Supportive Outpatient Programs (SOP)
  • Maintenance Outpatient Programs (MOP)
  • Wellness, nutritional, and stress management education

A range of treatment options based on you

Each person’s path to addiction is unique with different neurological, emotional, social and environmental contributing factors. That’s why the Enterhealth journey to recovery is personalized to meet individuals and families where they are. Whether you need immersive inpatient care or outpatient treatment, we offer a range of evidence-based treatment options and innovative therapies. Enterhealth is the only facility with highly trained on-site addiction specialists, including PhDs, MDs and Master’s Level Therapists, who coordinate care at every stage. Because we understand the science behind addiction, we are best equipped to assess and treat individuals and families. Contact us to see why we’re the only facility with an 84% success rate.



Enterhealth Ranch offers inpatient care that’s on your side, not on the clock. It’s a nurturing environment where treatment is highly personalized and intensified. Every patient has a private room and 24/7 access to addiction trained specialists who use evidence-based treatments and comprehensive care, including medical detox, in-depth medical and psychological assessments, individual and group therapies, life skills and more.

Enterhealth Ranch and man with coffee mug looking into distance.



Enterhealth’s Outpatient Center of Excellence, conveniently located in the Park Cities, is expertly staffed with board-certified addiction specialists. Our comprehensive program is designed for continued recovery care and provides individuals and families the support they need to reconnect with each other and thrive in recovery.

Man and women talking in therapy session with Enterhealth Outpatient Center of Excellence sign.



The Enterhealth Alumni Association offers a unique opportunity for our patients to continue and thrive in their recovery by building relationships through shared experiences. This one-of-a-kind support environment provides a nurturing space where participants can gain understanding, learn from others and continue to rebuild their lives.

Silhouettes of people with sunlight in the background and man on phone looking at a laptop.



Recovery is one of the most important benefits you can give your employees. Enterhealth provides comprehensive, evidence-based residential and outpatient programs and continued 24/7 technological support with Enterhealth Connect. It’s a tool employees can use to access expert care that fits their schedule for online consultations with highly trained addiction specialists, dynamic content including blogs, podcasts, videos, and continuously updated tools and resources that will aid in their recovery journey.

Man holding black-rimmed glasses, and women looking into distance from behind a window.
Father hugging sun with sunset in background.

Frequently Asked Questions About Soma Addiction

What is Soma (carisoprodol)?

Carisoprodol is a prescription muscle relaxant used in combination with rest, physical therapy, and other measures to treat pain and discomfort associated with acute, painful musculoskeletal conditions. It’s best known under the brand name Soma, among others. The drug is intended for short-term use (up to two or three weeks) as there’s no evidence of its effectiveness in long-term use, and most skeletal muscle injuries are generally of short duration.

Carisoprodol is classified as a Schedule IV controlled substance, so possession and use of Soma without a prescription is against the law.

How does carisoprodol work?

Carisoprodol affects the way the brain and spinal cord communicate about pain and muscle tightness. Although the exact mechanism of action isn’t fully understood, the prevailing consensus is that it calms down the signals in the brain that make us feel pain and muscle spasms.

The drug doesn’t directly relax skeletal muscles. Rather, it alters the central nervous system’s perception of pain and reduces the overall pain response. This central action is why carisoprodol can also produce side effects like drowsiness and dizziness, as it has an overall sedative effect on the central nervous system.

How is carisoprodol taken?

Carisoprodol is usually taken in tablet form by mouth. The typical dosage and frequency are determined by a physician based on the patient’s specific condition and needs. Most commonly, the drug is prescribed to be taken several times a day, with a maximum daily limit to avoid overdose or adverse reactions.

Due to the risk of dependency or tolerance, carisoprodol is generally prescribed for short periods (typically 2-3 weeks or less).

How long does carisoprodol stay in your system?

Carisoprodol has a relatively short half-life of approximately 2 to 3 hours. However, carisoprodol is metabolized (broken down) in the liver to meprobamate, which has its own pharmacological effects and a longer half-life of about 6 to 17 hours. Given the half-lives of both carisoprodol and meprobamate, the drugs and their metabolites are usually eliminated from the system within a day or two for most people.

However, carisoprodol and its metabolites might be detectable in urine for 2 to 4 days after the last dose, depending on factors like dosage, frequency of use, and individual metabolic differences.

Can a person become addicted to carisoprodol?

Yes, a person can become addicted to carisoprodol. Although it is prescribed primarily for its muscle-relaxing properties, carisoprodol can produce feelings of relaxation and euphoria in some individuals, which can lead to misuse. Over time and with continued misuse, this can result in physical and psychological dependence and addiction.

How do you know if someone is abusing carisoprodol?

Identifying substance abuse can sometimes be challenging because symptoms can vary among individuals, and some might be skilled at hiding their misuse. However, there are several signs and behavioral changes that might indicate someone is abusing carisoprodol:

  1. Physical Symptoms: This may include drowsiness, dizziness, unsteady movements or clumsiness, increased sedation, impaired coordination, or an inability to focus.
  2. Changes in Usage Patterns: This can mean taking the drug more frequently than prescribed, taking larger doses than recommended, or seeking multiple prescriptions from different doctors (known as “doctor shopping”).
  3. Behavioral Changes: This can encompass mood swings, increased agitation or irritability, decreased motivation, withdrawal from friends and family, or neglecting personal and professional responsibilities.
  4. Preoccupation with the Drug: Someone abusing carisoprodol might constantly talk about the drug, express anxiety about running out, or spend a disproportionate amount of time obtaining and using the medication.
  5. Financial Difficulties: Spending significant money on acquiring the drug, especially if it means neglecting bills or other financial obligations.
  6. Secretive Behavior: This might include hiding pills, being evasive about where they’re going or what they’re doing, and isolating from loved ones.
  7. Cognitive Changes: Reduced attention, poor decision-making, or memory problems can also be indicative.
  8. Neglected Appearance: Some individuals may not take care of their personal hygiene or appearance as they usually would.

What are the short- and long-term side effects of carisoprodol abuse?

Carisoprodol, when misused or abused, can result in a range of side effects. Some of these effects might be evident in the short term, while others may develop over prolonged misuse.

Short-term side effects of carisoprodol abuse include:

  1. Sedation: This is one of the most common side effects and can range from mild drowsiness to significant sedation.
  2. Dizziness or vertigo.
  3. Headache.
  4. Impaired coordination: This can lead to unsteady movements or clumsiness.
  5. Euphoria: Some individuals misuse carisoprodol in pursuit of this feeling.
  6. Blurred vision.
  7. Confusion or altered cognitive function.
  8. Irritability or mood swings.
  9. Nausea or stomach upset.
  10. Tachycardia: Elevated heart rate.

Long-term side effects or consequences of prolonged carisoprodol abuse include:

  1. Physical Dependence: Over time, the body can become reliant on carisoprodol, leading to withdrawal symptoms if the drug isn’t taken.
  2. Tolerance: This requires the individual to consume larger amounts of the drug to achieve the same effects, increasing the risk of overdose.
  3. Cognitive impairments: This can encompass memory problems, difficulty concentrating, or altered decision-making abilities.
  4. Psychological Dependence: The individual may feel they can’t function or feel normal without the drug.
  5. Respiratory Depression: Especially when combined with other CNS depressants like alcohol or opioids, carisoprodol can depress breathing, leading to potentially fatal consequences.
  6. Liver Damage: Chronic use might lead to liver damage due to the metabolic demands of processing the drug.
  7. Increased risk of accidents: Due to impaired coordination and sedation, there’s a heightened risk of accidents, such as falls or vehicle crashes.
  8. Psychological problems: These might include increased anxiety, depression, or even potential hallucinations or psychotic reactions with high doses.

What are the symptoms of carisoprodol withdrawal?

Withdrawal from carisoprodol can occur after prolonged use, especially if the medication is reduced abruptly or discontinued suddenly. The symptoms of carisoprodol withdrawal can vary in intensity and duration based on several factors, including the duration of use, the dosage, and an individual’s overall health and metabolism.

Some common symptoms of carisoprodol withdrawal include:

  1. Insomnia: Difficulty in falling or staying asleep.
  2. Abdominal cramps: Pain or discomfort in the stomach area.
  3. Nausea and vomiting: Feeling sick in the stomach and potentially throwing up.
  4. Tachycardia: A rapid heart rate.
  5. Headache: Persistent or throbbing pain in the head.
  6. Muscle twitching or tremors: Uncontrolled or sporadic muscle movements.
  7. Anxiety or restlessness: Feeling nervous, agitated, or unable to sit still.
  8. Hallucinations: Seeing, hearing, or feeling things that aren’t there.
  9. Chills: Feeling cold without an apparent reason, often accompanied by shivering.
  10. Sweating: Excessive perspiration not related to physical exertion or high temperatures.

How long does carisoprodol withdrawal last?

The duration of carisoprodol withdrawal can vary based on several factors, including the length of time the medication was taken, the dosage, the frequency of use, and individual differences in metabolism and overall health.

Typically, withdrawal symptoms from carisoprodol can start within hours to a couple of days after the last dose and may last for several days to a couple of weeks.

A general timeline might look like this:

  1. 24-48 hours after the last dose: Initial symptoms like anxiety, insomnia, and abdominal cramps may begin.
  2. 3-5 days after the last dose: Symptoms usually peak and might include nausea, tremors, hallucinations, and muscle twitching.
  3. 1-2 weeks after the last dose: Most physical symptoms begin to subside, although some psychological symptoms, like anxiety or cravings, might persist for a bit longer.

While the acute physical symptoms might decrease after a couple of weeks, it’s essential to note that some individuals might experience prolonged psychological symptoms, such as mood disturbances or cravings. These can persist for weeks or even months, especially if carisoprodol was abused for a long time or in high doses.

Can you overdose on carisoprodol?

Yes, it is possible to overdose on carisoprodol. Overdosing can be life-threatening and requires immediate medical attention. Carisoprodol overdose often occurs when the drug is taken in amounts larger than prescribed or when combined with other substances, especially alcohol or other central nervous system depressants like opioids or benzodiazepines.

Symptoms of a carisoprodol overdose can include:

  1. Respiratory depression: This refers to shallow, slowed, or even stopped breathing.
  2. Extreme sedation or loss of consciousness.
  3. Confusion or delirium.
  4. Dizziness or vertigo.
  5. Seizures.
  6. Hallucinations.
  7. Tachycardia (increased heart rate) or bradycardia (decreased heart rate).
  8. Hypotension (low blood pressure).
  9. Blurred vision.
  10. Nausea or vomiting.
  11. Muscle stiffness or lack of muscle coordination.
  12. Chills or sweating.

If someone is suspected of overdosing on carisoprodol or shows any of these symptoms, it’s essential to seek emergency medical care immediately. Overdose can be fatal, especially if not treated promptly.

*State standard is 1:10 clinical staff to patient ratio